Local Moving Kent


VIP Moving Services in Kent

Do you want to quickly and carefully transport personal belongings? The best solution is to hire local movers who professionally handle all tasks. Collection, packing, loading – all this takes a lot of time, effort, and nerves. However, while our employees do the work, you can devote time to work, meet friends for coffee, or make time for yourself.

Are you looking for movers to load and unload cargo in Kent, WA?

Lion Movers professional workers know their work in detail. Thanks to 10 years of experience, they have learned all possible nuances and pay attention to every detail. They cope with every obstacle without outside help, performing moving services at the highest level. Having entrusted your luggage to our company, you will receive it within the specified time at the specified address. Or, if necessary, we can take things for temporary storage.

Any questions related to the cost, terms, and availability of the necessary transport can always be discussed with our consultant without any problems. You can contact him in any convenient way for you. You will be provided with a detailed consultation, and they will help you organize the move so that it is as comfortable as possible for you. VIP moving company in Kent service makes life much easier for Washington state residents.

Safe and reliable transportation of personal belongings across the Washington state

You can see in more detail what kind of request you can contact us on our website. We provide services separately (packing, loading, or unloading) or on a turnkey basis. We use auxiliary tools, consumables, and vehicles for various loads in our work. If necessary, we engage mobile cranes and manipulators. Do you have any questions? Email us online or call us at (425) 256-2288.

733 7th Ave Suite B202, Kirkland WA 98033

Lion Movers are standing guard over the safety of our clients’ home possessions while moving their belongings from one place to another. We provide high-quality services for VIP clients.
All Included Service is our favorite specialization.
LION MOVERS LLC – feel like a King!